
Journal Papers

  • Kagerer F, Beinhofer M, Stricker S, Nüchter A. BED-BPP: Benchmarking dataset for robotic bin packing problems. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 2023;42(11):1007-1014. doi:10.1177/02783649231193048 [BibTeX] [DOI] [URL]


  • Kagerer, F., Beinhofer, M., Hubmer, S., Ramlau, R., 2021. Myopic Approaches for a Real World Palletizing Problem. In: Proceedings of the Austrian Robotics Workshop 2021. Eds.: Kubinger, W., Brandstötter, M., Schöffmann, C., Vincze, M., Vienna June 2021. ISBN 978-3-200-07799-7.
  • Kagerer, F., 2021. Myopic Solution Approaches for a Real World Palletizing Problem. Thesis (Master). Johannes Kepler University
  • Kagerer, F., 2018. Finite Elements for Maxwell’s Equations. Thesis (Bachelor). Johannes Kepler University.